forever living productsI’ve been working alongside Forever Living for a while now, and a few weeks ago, I attended an absolutely fantastic event for network marketing professionals called Go Pro! Taking place in Las Vegas (where else?!), it’s a brilliant opportunity to meet other business owners and hear from truly inspirational speakers.

My trip began in Pheonix, Arizona – the location of Forever Living’s home office. At last, I had a chance to visit Forever Nutraceutical and see first hand how our wonderful products are made.  What really fascinated me was that most of the products are checked and inspected by human beings, not machines.   As a result, the quality control was amazing!

We then got to tour the home office – a fascinating experience, which included a visit to the CEO’s office! I was even allowed to sit in Rex’s chair, which was great, as were the paintings and many books in his room.

While touring the building, I also learned that a lot of the people employed by Forever have worked there a long time. They truly love and are passionate about the company, which is always a great sign in my opinion. However, I probably shouldn’t be too surprised, as I already know how well the company treats its business owners!

Pheonix was just the start; we still had the Go Pro event to look forward to!  Having attended the event last year, I knew a bit of what to expect, and I was particularly looking forward to hearing this year’s speakers.

Full of excitement, we boarded the coach booked to drive us from Arizona to Vegas. However, before long, disaster struck…it broke down!  I’d never been on a broken-down coach before, least of all in Vegas, so that was a first for me!  After a three-hour wait, the mechanics arrived and made the necessary repairs, and we were on our way again. This meant we arrived in Vegas quite late, but that didn’t dampen our spirits. After all, we had a free day ahead of us to explore Vegas before the Go Pro event started on the Thursday!

The Go Pro event is a generic event for all network marketing professionals. There is a no recruiting policy and you are not to bring any branded items from your company.  Instead, we were all there to learn from the best; after all, when you become more skilled, your business will grow.

As I discovered at last year’s event, Go Pro has the power to truly change your whole mind set – and this year was no different. Someone who particularly stood out to me was the singer Pitball, whose inspirational talk showed us we can all be anything we want to be. Pitball has a Facebook following of 57 million people and is a global superstar, and his journey started when he used to listen to Tony Robbins when he was younger in his mum’s car (though at the time he wasn’t really interested in him!). He also told us how he’d been fascinated and inspired by the fact that Colonel Sanders never gave up on his dream and kept trying, and as a result, KFC is the fourth-largest fast food chain in the world!

Another speaker was Brenden Burchard, an inspirational coach to many. His latest book, High Performance Habits, is brilliant and examines how we are all creatures of habit.

These are just a few highlights from this fantastic event. I came away having learned so much, and I’m now enjoying trying to implement it all! So if you’re a network marketing professional like me and in need of some inspiration, I can’t recommend Go Pro enough! See you there next year…?

This is the exact question I asked myself when I decided to become a Network Marketing Professional. I was fearful of many things as I had not worked (by that I mean earning money work) for a number of years when I decided not to go back to what I was doing before and become an Entrepreneur.

I really didn’t know at the time what this was going to entail and thought as I had worked in a corporate environment before giving up to look after my children that it would give me time freedom. Well in essence it has done that though I have probably worked much harder now that I ever did in my corporate job in a different way. I did work hard in my corporate job and invested a lot of hours in that job during the week till quite late at night though I did feel a dread of going back to it Monday morning L.

Oh how my life has changed now! I’m glad I was able to stay home and look after my children when they were at school growing u; and taking them to their activities. However I always felt that I wanted my life to be with purpose and missed my career. I always wanted to have my own business but then there was the investment of time, money and what business I would be in.

I did think about setting up a bookkeeping business but again the thought of sitting behind a computer everyday with no interaction with other people put me off. It was then I came across network marketing and the business has evolved over time. I have invested in trainings, books, trips etc to be the best version of myself.

I am now a completely different person than I was only four short years ago and the investment has definitely been worth it. Also I have met many inspirational people along the way which makes it a fascinating journey that I’m on and I love helping people on their entrepreneurial path too.

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