Jan 21

Bottled water: A lesson in knowing about our food


We all know how good water is for us, and nowadays, we’re spoiled for choice as to how we drink it. Filtered, bottled, from the tap – so many brands and so many types. But do you ever stop and think where it comes from?

Personally, at home I drink filtered water, and if I’m out and about, I’ll take a bottle of Forever Living’s bottled water with me. Sourced from the Cheddar Valley, it always tastes really good and perfectly pure.

However, sometimes things don’t go to plan, and the other day, I found myself out of the house with no water on me, and thirsty!  I went into Waitrose and picked up a bottle of their own-brand Essential water, and didn’t think anything of it until I tasted it.

Something just wasn’t right. In my opinion, the water tasted metallic. In this case, it was my only option, but the experience definitely reminded to always take at least a couple of bottles of Forever’s water with me when I’m out for the day or on a long journey!

It also reminded me how important it is to know what you’re buying and where it comes from.  As a matter of course, I buy organically as much as possible, and I always ask whether products are tested on animals. It’s hard to believe but lots of top-selling branded products are still tested on animals, especially cleaning products.

What we put into and onto our bodies can affect us in so many different ways.  I am a proud Forever business owner because:

  1. we have never tested on animals, and
  2. we know exactly what is in our products!

In fact, all the raw materials in our products are sourced and produced by us – a fact I can vouch for following my recent visit to Forever Living’s base in Phoenix, Arizona, where I witnessed first hand how our wonderful products are put together and the amazing quality controls in place.

Do you know what you’re putting into or onto your body? If not, it might be worth getting some Forever Living products on your side…

To find out more, connect with me on email (hello@ginablundell.com), Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, or call me on 07710 498606.

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